Tuesday, March 30, 2004

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

haha.. originally Level 8. Then I tried again and got Level 1. :P
Kanye West - Through the Wire
The screamings are actually the scramblings of Chaka Khan - Through the Fire (which is actually a romantic oldie!). The lyrics are as follows:

Through the fire
To the limit, to the wall
For a chance to be with you
I'd gladly risk it all
Through the fire
Through whatever, come what may
For a chance at loving you
I'd take it all the way
Right down to the wire
Even through the fire

I'm addicted to both Through the Fire and Through the Wire.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Heard some great songs on the radio these days (haven been tuning in to the radio for years)

1) Maroon 5 - This Love
Catchy song.
2) Nelly Furtado - Try
Typical Nelly's style but still great vocals.
3) Kanye West - Through the Wire
I lurve the screamings!

Go download or snatch these songs!

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Just finished printing my report without proofreading it.. I'm jus too sian to look at the report and jus want to end my misery of the past few weeks. Printed 100 pages!!! Cos need to print 2 copies.. poor printer.. n i actually bought a new colour cartridge at $46.50 just to print this report.. This HYP is burning my pocket man...
Anyway.. back to topic.. I'm in a dilemma right now whether to go to sleep or to go straight to school and hand up my reports. Judging from my incoherent ramblings, I think I need some sleep.. But then again, once I sleep, I think I would miss the 5pm deadline for submission.. Oh no.. what should I do?


Hee.. Jus back from submitting my reports. In the end went to sleep first, din sleep well though. So happy that this is over.. erm.. actually not quite yet.. still got what my prof called the "tomatoes-throwing session" aka the 3-hour HYP presentation. But I shall take a mini break for the time being.. heh

Important dates
2 April: CS4250 Presentation
7 April: HYP Presentation
17 April: CS4250 Exam

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Can't believe it.. Ah Bian won again.. By a tiny margin.. All thanks to the short-sighted gunman. A gash for few more years of presidency.. hmm.. quite worth it..

You are going to marry Ashton Kutcher. He is kind
and sweet, but pulls a lot of pranks (and
probably quite a few on you too!!)and can
always make you laugh.

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (now 12 (i just added more, and still more to come!)results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
(from Min's blog)

Ashton Kutcher is cute.. but I dun think he'll make a gd husband n besides I dun wan to be Demi Moore! The age gap is jus too great... After looking thru all the possible results, I found Viggo.. so I went back n erm cheated a bit by changing a few answers and voila! Really got Viggo.. heh... :P

You are going to marry viggo mortensen.He is very
friendly and funny and has a lot of respect for
you and your friends. He is also very good with
kids and would be an ideal father. Congrats!!

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (now 12 (i just added more, and still more to come!)results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, March 19, 2004

Taking a short break after the past sleepless nites pia-ing for my thesis draft. Now waiting for my sup to look thru and give comments. Hope no much changes is needed cos I only have till next Tuesday to edit and print. Wed is the DEADline. Still gotta submit the stoopid gigantic A1 poster. Have to waste $$ to print it somemore. Dunno why can't we simply use powerpoint slides for the presentation. Sigh. Back to doing my poster.
P.S: Can't wait for the Taiwan elections on sat. Interesting battle there.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Starsky & Hutch

I haven't been posting my movie reviews these days.. a bit lazy to do so.. Mystic River not bad, Big Fish so-so, Monster a bit disturbing.. But I must warn people about this movie Starsky & Hutch. Dun be fooled by its colourful poster. I din even chuckle, wat's more laugh, watching this so-called comedy. It's utterly a waste of time watching it (and downloading it). If you wan see Ben & Owen acting funny, watch Oscars instead.
chocolate heart
Heart of Chocolate

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla

I Lurrvvveeee Chocolate.....
ex light
You're like a fairy. Fairies were the little pixies
that usually lived in the forest with wings
like butterflies and perfect little faces.
they had brown or blonde hair and pale skin
with freckles. They were entergetic, joyful,
playful, very smart, and peaceful. Fairies are
deffinately the most famous of all fantasy
creatures. (please rate)

What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

haha... definitely NOT me...

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Chilli, this is what the foods you eat say about you:
You are a sensitive person and often find yourself daydreaming about your past and future. You are quite conservative and the values that your parents and teachers instilled in you still play an important part in your decision making.
(no comments)

You are always wilful and most of the time, you are a stubborn person. (very true!!!!)
But you love to work and are quite honest, which makes you good to get along with as a friend or lover.

You are tough, hard-working and responsible. When you are assigned to do something, you will do your best no matter how difficult the job at hand might be.
(eh dun think so)

You are self-centered and disagree other people's feelings and ideas. You normally go against social rules and regulations.
(true to a certain extent)
