Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Lord of the Rings - Return of the King

The last of the Tolkien trilogy. An awesome show. Just like the previous 2. I can't really say which one out of the 3 is my fav, cos they can't really be compared. Nevertheless, there's some parts in ROTK that I thought could be done better. Ok, I'm nitpicking here. Now I wish I din read the book b4 I watch the show so I would enjoy more. Grr.
1) The multiple fake endings. Although there's a need to tie up some loose knots, i dun really see the need of Sam's and Rosie's little romance and their wedding etc (but then again, mabbe it's there to show that Sam is not a gay). And the fact that I was itching to go to the loo din help too.
2) Not enough action between Sam and the orcs. I was looking forward to Sam wearing the ring and saving Frodo as the "Big Elf Warrior".
3) Faramir and Denethor. Faramir is one of my fav characters in the book. But somehow I can't really sympathise with Faramir in the movie as in the book. But Pippin's singing sequence (hey he can sing!) and Denethor's nonchalance (the eating part) is quite effective nevertheless.
4) Eowyn and the Witch-King. Hey it's supposed to be the highlight. But she jus defeated him in a few strokes??!! Not enough excitement.
5) Aragorn missing from the screen for too long!! There's one LONG period of time where Aragorn disappear (from when he entered the Path of the Dead til he reappeared with the ghosts during the battle at Minas Tirith).
6) House of healing! Tot they should show Aragorn's kingly powers. And it'll be more convincing when he's crowned after that. (Well any part that has Aragorn should not be omitted!!)
7) Faramir and Eowyn. Hope to see their romance in the EE version.
Enough with flaws. Parts that I'm impressed:
1) The lighting up of the beacons. Simply awesome.
2) Gandalf's ride to Minas Tirith all the way up to the 7 levels.
3) Rohan's riders running down the battle at the Minas Tirith and trampling the orcs.
4) Aragorn's speech at the Black Gate. And when he shouted "For Frodo" and led the assault. Very stylo. Very valiant. Very warrior. Very kingly.
5) Legola's battling with the oliphaunt. Cool. And Gimli's "That still only counts as one!". Lolz.
6) Sam's "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" (something like that). Emotional.
7) At Mount Doom. I actually like the literal cliff-hanger though it's not in the book.
*********************End Spoilers*****************************
Definitely a must-watch. Would like to watch again (if I got $ to spare). I only really like The Two Towers the 3rd time I watched in the EE vcd (Helm's Deep is breathtaking!). So hope I'll like the ROTK more the more times I watch.

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